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Bobby Goldsmith Foundation’s Golden Hammer Gala

Updated: Aug 9, 2023

There was a profusion of sparkling entertainment for the Bobby Goldsmith Foundation’s Golden Hammer gala at the Australian Museum. I was Mistress along with a wonderful band of troubadours giving up their time to raise funds for people living with HIV.

My old mate Bob Downe (AKA Mark Trevorrow) was rolled out after we’d starched his polyester suit with Fabulon, sprayed his hair with something that instantly expanded the ozone hole, and popped some Pepsodent into his mouth to give his pearly whites that extra pizzazz.

One person who was bedazzled by Bob was BGF’s Patron of 17 years, Australian jurist, academic and a former Justice of the High Court of Australia – The Honorable Justice Michael Kirby.

Golden Hammer Gala
The Honourable Michael Kirby with Nell Schofield

When HIV was first identified, Michael became involved in a number of national and international organisations including the UNAIDS Reference Group on HIV and Human Rights. And he's been an outspoken supporter of LGBTIQ+ rights ever since.

Michael was to be our Guest of Honour at a special Trailblazers lunch held during Sydney World Pride 2023 at which he spoke at length about his 40 year relationship with his partner Johan van Vloten, who was also in attendance. Michael talked at length about having to hide their relationship and check phone calls for fear of being outed back in the day when homosexuality was outlawed in NSW (it was only legalised in 1984).

The Golden Hammer event raised over $50,000 for BGF. Go team!

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